quality circles|quality circle in English

management technique which divides workers into groups that share problems and try to find solutions

Use "quality circles|quality circle" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "quality circles|quality circle" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "quality circles|quality circle", or refer to the context using the word "quality circles|quality circle" in the English Dictionary.

1. Quality education, is a hot spot in educational circles.

2. The assembly line is giving way to quality circles, and quality rather than quantity is becoming the watchword.

3. Forsake the search for excellence. Turn thy head from quality circles.

4. 25 The assembly line is giving way to quality circles, and quality rather than quantity is becoming the watchword.

5. In geometry, Concentricity is the quality of imbedded circles having the same center.

6. Concentricity refers to the quality or characteristic of different circles having a common center

7. The statement Chandeliers often have unique shapes, like layers of circles within circles, and are made from quality materials like metal beads

8. One of the eight circles that is simultaneously tangent to three given circles (i.e., a circle solving Apollonius' problem for three circles).

9. The words run along each concentric circle and not across circles.

10. Quality control Quality assurance Quality assessment Tietz, N.W. (1987).

11. The principal method of investigation is in-depth studies with companies in different industries who are using Quality Circles.

12. (a) their quality with respect to quality parameters, quality groups, quality grades, categories, product characteristics and age;

13. their quality with respect to quality parameters, quality groups, quality grades, categories, product characteristics and age;

14. Improved quality or increased predictability of quality.

15. " His eyes were like two round, blue circles with another black circle in the middle "?

16. Antarctic Circle The Antarctic (or Antarctica) Circle is one of the five major circles or parallels of latitude that mark maps of the Earth

17. These professional quality Anodizing dyes provide consistent, quality results

18. Blaine Labs delivers quality products without the quality cost

19. Stakeholders indicated that they ensured net quality accuracy based on their quality assurance or quality control systems.

20. For illustration, the orange circle in Figure 6 crosses the black given circles at right angles.

21. Handmade Chaplets - Artistic design, high quality materials, high quality craftsmanship

22. The quality of being Adaptable; a quality that renders Adaptable

23. The radio quality acquisition means acquires radio quality information indicating radio quality for each of the mobile stations.

24. Airiness (usually uncountable, plural Airinesses) The quality of being airy. The quality of being light in quality or manner.

25. Many impatients are very concerned for water quality and air quality.